Thursday, January 15, 2015

This Powerful Yet Incredibly Restorative Pose Is A Great Way To End Your Day :)

  • Find an open wall space. Start seated beside the wall, with your feet on the floor in front of you and your left side body in contact with the wall. 
  • On an exhale, gently lie down on your back and pivot yourself so that the backs of your legs are pressing against the wall and the bottoms of your feet are facing up. You may need to wiggle around to find your way into this position.
  • Your sitting bones should now be pressed up against the wall, or slightly away from the wall, and your back and head rested on the floor; this will form approximately a 90-degree angle in your body. (If your hamstrings are super tight, then you'll be a bit further back. Play around and make sure you're totally comfortable.)
  • Your butt should be pressing as close to the wall as you can. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Be here for 5 to 20 minutes here to totally reap the rewards.

Cautions: Although this is a mild and restorative posture, it is still considered an inversion. Although many teachers recommend it as a therapeutic posture for several conditions, you should check with a doctor if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Glaucoma
  • High blood pressure 

If your toes get tingly, bend your knees, and with your feet together bring your feet closer to your pelvis.


  • Your femur bones are dropping into your hip sockets, relaxing your psoas. These are the muscles that help you walk and support your lower back.
  • Blood is draining out of your tired feet and legs.
  • Your nervous system is getting a signal to slow down. It’s all stress release and recovery big time.

adapted from: lululemon ambassador - David Good


  • The list of benefits is as long as your yoga mat.
  • Do it before bed to help cure insomnia.
  • Release of sore legs after your long run as it stretches the hamstrings.
  • Helps with poor digestion and circulation.
  • Helps to regulate your thyroid.
  • Great for mild sore lower back.


Do it with your friends, loved ones, entire family, or by yourself. Life’s not about the destination, it’s all about the ride. Slow down and don’t miss anything. Share your photos on instagram, twitter, or on my Facebook page, and tag it with #legsupthewall. How many legs can we get up the wall this week?

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